Below is an English version of an article which ran in the sports section of a regional newspaper, Krant van West-Vlaanderen.
In the Clarke family, which will return to Oregon next year, Andrew, Cameron and Jordan play with Olbak-Bissigem
"We will miss Belgium"

Kortrijk - Kevin Clarke works for Barco and came to Belgium 2 years ago for a 3 year period with his wife Stephanie and four children Andrew, Cameron, Jordan and Nathan. Adapting in Europe was a big challenge because no one spoke dutch. Athletics, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, soccer with FC Marke and, most of all, basketball with Olbak-Bissigem fill most weekends of this sports-oriented American family.
"I was offered the chance to come for 3 years to work in Belgian Research and Development of the Medical Imaging Division of Barco," Kevin starts the story. "We work hard on the optimalization of the displays of computers in the medical area. With cancer diagnosis, for example, it's very important to see the smallest details."
"We saw Europe as a great opportunity for the children to learn other languages and to better learn about the world. They'll develop skills for learning, face challenges and have opportunities to travel," says mama Stephanie. "We've visited not only neighboring countries around Belgium, but we've also visited Italy, Greece and more."
Just Like Chinese
"Andrew (15), Cameron (13), Jordan (11) and Nathan (8) had it tough at first. The 2 oldest took longer to learn the language because their fellow students could speak to them in English. The younger two only heard dutch and learned the language more quickly, "
mama Stephanie.Andrew found learning dutch "pretty hard", mostly because he started in the first year of junior high. "I had to start with 3rd year french and I learned it through dutch. A tutor helped me get through the first months, but it took a year before I started to be comfortable with it," says Andrew.
"With help from my teacher I understood most things by the Christmas vacation and I could help myself," remembers Cameron, who attends Don Boscocollege with his older brother Andrew.
The youngest two go to the elementary school.
Jordan: "After 3 months the dutch was easier, it's <<> Chinese. It took a while before I could say the "eu" and "uu" vowel sounds. I couldn't hear the difference.
Nathan: "Dutch wasn't too difficult. Before the February vacation I got used to it, thanks to my teacher. After a year and a half I was pretty fluent."
One or more sports
In the US the four boys enjoyed doing a lot of sports.
Andrew: "I wasn't used to playing basketball through the whole year. And, in the US we would make plays, here it's mostly cut and run. In America I also played baseball."
Cameron: "2 years before we came to Belgium I didn't play basketball. I did gymnastics and played lacrosse, a sport that is popular in the US. Basketball is a cool sport, but it's hard work. I like playing only one sport through the year instead of two or three. You can get better faster. I also like to run, like my dad. I might join the sports club in Marke. The 400 and 800 meters are good lengths, I think."
Jordan: "Basketball here doesn't seem that different than in the US, but here kids play the same sport throughout the year. In the states we can play a different sport each four months. It was soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring. I miss getting to play different sports."
Nathan: I play soccer in Marke, but I want to try American football when we go back to Oregon.
Cirque du Soleil
Because of all the busy sports activities of Andrew, Cameron, nathan and Jordan, the weekends are very full.
"The weekend days often begin pretty early," nodded father Kevin, who is also athletic and took up skateboarding when he was 40. "We take the boys all over and when there are free times sometimes I go with Cameron to skateboard in the skate bowl on the Leie."
Papa Kevin: "Cameron let us know that he would be happy to return to Europe after he's done with school. In the summer vacation we'll go back to the States. Then it will be a new adjustment for the kids. He dreams of being an acrobat in the Cirque du Soleil and has a natural talent for circus techniques, like juggling and unicycle riding. I also have a unicycle and I'm learning to ride it."
One thing is certain: the Clarke family of Rodenburg in Marke isn't bored for a moment. Surely not when the grandparents came for a visit.
"It was fun to have the grandparents here. They didn't stay long, but it was good for them to see their grandchildren doing their activities."
Naar Ice Mountain
Andrew: "The coolest things in Belgium are fries, chocolate, my friends, steak with mushroom sauce and going to see the Cirque du Soleil in Brussels last year. That was cool. The coolest time we've had was a long weekend with our grandparents, in the forests in Wallonia and going to a city with a castle."
Cameron: "Belgium is cool and there are fewer rules than back in Oregon, like at swimming pools. Here you do what you want at the pool, no one cares. The coolest thing was when my cousin Travis came for a visit and I showed him all about our life here. Just like Andrew I'm looking forward to seeing my friends in America, but I would be okay with staying in Belgium. My favorite places in Belgium are Paradisio, the coast and Ice Mountain, the indoor ski slope in Komen."
Mama Stephanie: Where we live in America there are mountains so we ski and snowboard every winter. We miss that here, which is why Ice Mountain is such a good place for them."
Jordan: "I love it in Belgim but I miss my friends in Oregon and our house and other things. Luckily there's the internt and computers to stay in contact."
Nathan: "My opinion of Belgian foods: I like taartjes. My favorite places are Planckendael and Ice Mountain, but I'm looking forward to going back to Oregon. I want to come back here sometime to come visit my friends."
Father Kevin: "We want to thank everyone for the support and especially our neighbors who are always available to help."